Explain How God Is Given Recognition When the Bible Is Read

In that location are four steps to mastering the Bible so well that the Bible masters you:

ane. Read the Bible
2. Study the Bible
3. Memorize the Bible
4. Meditate on the Bible

Seems elementary. Obvious, fifty-fifty, for those who have been Christians for a while. Nevertheless very few people take all four steps. Many accept i step. Some accept two steps. Very few have all four steps. As a result, very few people ever feel the full life transformation, the fellowship with God, the spiritual stability and forcefulness, the power in ministry building, the joy in worship, and the spiritual prosperity that the Bible promises to those who chief information technology and then well that it masters them.

Step #i: Read the Bible for Breadth of Knowledge

To begin a mastery of the Bible, you must read the Bible. This may seem self-axiomatic to some, but to others who have never developed the habit, it is groundbreaking. Some Christians do not read the Bible, or they only read snippets that are attached to daily devotionals. This volition not go you where yous want to become. Y'all must begin to read the Bible widely. It is merely past covering a lot of territory in Scripture that you gain a breadth of knowledge.

If you never read the Sometime Testament, you will never have a general cognition of it. If you lot merely read the Gospels, or the Epistles, y'all will never have a basic grasp of the other sections of the Bible. As a result, your life volition be untouched past of import truth, plus your ability to connect the dots from various different Scripture passages—a disquisitional component of a mature Christian experience—volition be express.

The good news is that there is a simple way to read for breadth of knowledge. If you read the Bible for five minutes a day, y'all will read the Bible over thirty hours a twelvemonth! (five minutes × 365 days = one,825 minutes divided past hr per hour = 30.4 hours!)

Think of it!! Xxx hours a year! Perhaps no other subject field will provide a latitude of Bible noesis more easily. If yous desire to master the Word so well that the Word masters yous, begin by reading it.

Step #ii: Study the Bible for Depth of Knowledge

Few of u.s. tin can proceeds a depth of knowledge without sitting nether skilled teachers. And then, for near people, they must sit under effective preaching from the Bible and be involved in a Bible report taught past an effective teacher. For maximum benefit, Bible study must have assignments that go you studying and interacting with the Bible on your ain. To gain a depth of knowledge, you cannot exist passive. Yous must become active in the process of deepening your knowledge.

If this is new to yous, begin by attending a church that is committed to education the Bible, not only from the pulpit during sermons, merely too in small groups or Dominicus school classes. You might likewise find helpful information in Christian bookstores or online. More seasoned Christians might be able to requite you helpful suggestions as well. If you lot are an gorging reader, there is a wealth of knowledge available to y'all as well through good books available online or at Christian bookstores.

Step #three: Memorize to Master the Bible

I used to retrieve that information technology was better to have a lot of verses memorized, only in my effort to accept equally many verses equally possible memorized, I had them memorized shallowly. I might have to struggle to get started, or get partway through a passage and have to paraphrase the remainder. Now, I realize it is much better to accept fewer verses memorized very deeply—that is where the power comes from. Rather than memorize a mile wide and an inch deep, information technology is better to memorize an inch wide and a mile deep. That is a key difference, because until we memorize verses deeply and spend fourth dimension meditating on them, the truth of the passages does not seep deeply into our subconscious to influence our thoughts, attitudes, actions, and emotions.

When we memorize Scripture this deeply, it will oftentimes and so spring into our minds as our first reaction to life's circumstances, helping guide our decisions and influence our emotions. Even Jesus, when He was tempted past the devil in Matthew 4, quoted Scripture in response to the temptation. When we know Scripture well plenty to quote it immediately in response to life'due south challenges, the Bible begins to accept on a power that information technology did not previously have in our life.

Memorize one verse then that you can say it without hesitation. Then, memorize another, simply link it to the first. So memorize a third i, but link it to the start two, and and so on. Continue doing it the residual of your life. Pretty before long, your command of Scripture will be a mile wide and a mile deep.

Just as reading the Bible v minutes a day soon begins to accumulate impressive results, so does memorizing verses at a manageable pace. Equally we keep up the do, calculation verses that are important to the states without dropping off the old ones, we find that we will eventually have many, many verses memorized very deeply. That is the ultimate goal.

Footstep #4: Meditate for the Bible to Chief Yous

Many people know passages of Scripture, just take non spent enough time meditating on them plenty for the truth of the passages to penetrate securely into their listen and eye.

In the volume Change Your Heart, Alter Your Life, Gary Smalley makes a compelling example for meditating on Scripture. He states that what we remember virtually all 24-hour interval long, over long periods, eventually seeps into our heart as controlling behavior. When we learn the right thoughts and mentally chew on them over and over, solar day after day, they lodge in our hearts equally beliefs, and these beliefs go the decision-making influences of our lives. If we do non call up nearly Scripture enough, the truth of Scripture may be in our heads as knowledge but not in our hearts as deep, controlling behavior.

Smalley challenges united states of america to meditate, think nigh, ponder, and recite Scripture until the Scripture becomes a path in our minds and hearts . . . then ponder it some more than until the Scripture becomes a road in our minds and hearts . . . then ponder information technology some more than until information technology becomes a four-lane thruway. Then, and only and then, will the Scripture drift from information in our heads to deep, controlling beliefs in our hearts.

Through my feel in teaching this material, I have learned that most Christians are busy—so busy that they have difficulty disciplining themselves to implement the four-step process of mastering the Bible so well that the Bible masters them. If that is the example for yous, I offering two responses. First, I encourage you to showtime, even on a modified and very small level. Commencement by reading the Bible five minutes a 24-hour interval. Cull one verse to memorize, and begin meditating on it. Also, brand sure yous regularly nourish a Bible-education church where you can get good instruction in the Bible.

How to Read the Bible: Just Become Started!

In one case you get started, information technology is piece of cake to expand your efforts. The key is just to start! That mode, it will help prepare you for the next major issue that rocks your boat on the body of water of life. Y'all will be fashion ahead of the game in dealing with it.

If you lot commit yourself to this four-step process, you lot will begin to principal the Bible and so well that the Bible begins to main you lot. And as the Bible begins to master you lot, you volition enjoy the inner peace, beloved, and joy that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. In addition, yous will experience a peace and power in life and ministry building that the Holy Spirit gives to those who meditate on and practise His Word.

Taken from30 Days to Understanding the Bible by Max Anders. Copyright © 1988, 1994, 1998, 2004, and 2018 by Max Anders. Used by permission of Thomas Nelson. www.thomasnelson.com.

About the Author:Dr. Max Anders is the author of over 25 books includingthirty Days to Understanding the Bible . He has taught on the college and seminary level and is a veteran pastor. Max was also one of the original squad members with Walk Thru the Bible Ministries. He provides resources and discipleship strategies atMaxAnders.com to help people abound spiritually.

Virtually30 Days to Understanding the Bible:If you've ever confused the ark of the covenant with the ark of Noah, or Jericho with Jeroboam, Max Anders' classic book, 30 Days to Understanding the Bible , is for you. In just fifteen minutes a day, you'll acquire the Bible's key people, events, and doctrines to get more than out of God'southward Word. Learn more at http://biblein30days.com.

Photo Credit: ©Thinkstock/Sasiistock


Source: https://www.christianity.com/bible/how-to-read-and-understand-the-bible-in-4-simple-steps.html

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